Arcteryx + BB + Rockywoods = Injury Prevention FUN!!!

This summer, we ventured down to the greater Boston area and found a gem of a trail system at the Rockywoods.   Hilary worked with Adam Bidwell and Arcteryx Boston last fall where she gave a presentation on injury prevention for women who backcountry ski.   It was such a great match and successful night that we teamed up again to put on a trail running workshop.  Adam sought out the group at Rockywoods and voila!

We were welcomed by open arm at the Rockywoodsand learned about their moon lit hiking and running events that involve local beer!  This is a brilliant idea by the way.  The morning began with a lecture on running mechanics, physical stresses on the body and how to minimize these with education on anatomy, biocmechnics and the ever important body awareness.  We then stepped out into the surprisingly humid morning for instruction on exercises.  Then were guided through a sweaty and beautiful 3+ mile run loop through the woods.  

Adam raffled off great Arcteryx swag, and my raffled, I mean everyone went home with treat.  This event got us motivated for the Laney and Lu event and fed off the runners who attended.  The moment we connect with these athletes who are motivated to learn about their bodies is when we smile and feel energized.  

Thank you to everyone who attended.  And of course Adam and Arcteryx Boston!