Laney and Lu Cafe + Backcountry Bliss Running Workshop

Backcountry Bliss and Laney and Lu Cafe in Exeter, NH teamed up to work with local trail runners on August, 20 2017.  Laney and Lu is a unique, refreshing and amazing cafe that was dreamed up by our good friend Jenn Desrosiers.  We met Jenn at our first backcountry ski and yoga retreat last winter and have become fast friends.  Jenn savors the value of the outdoors, pushing out of your comfort zone and practicing a healthy life style.  Jenn is the creator of Wild Adventurous Life as well. 

Twenty five lovely runners attended a lecture on pertinent biomechanics, anatomy and important principles of running, specifically trail running.  The new information was then reinforced by going over several important exercises that can help prevent injury.  Lindsay and Hilary worked with the participants on form and technique.  This was followed by a group run led by the Exeter Running Club on nearby trails.  Laney and Lu followed up the run with fresh smoothies that were specific to muscle recovery and filled with important post run nutrients.